El Salvador information
Location of El Salvador: Central America.
Area of El Salvador:
21,040 square kilometers (8124 miles square).
El Salvador Population: 7,000,000 (2011).
Population density of El Salvador: 322.7 inhabitants per km ².
Capital of El Salvador: San Salvador. Population: 2.2 million.
Government of El Salvador: Republic.
Language of El Salvador: The official language is Spanish. English is widely spoken.
Religion in El Salvador: The majority (57%) is Catholic, an increasing number (currently 21%) are Protestants.
El Salvador Time: GMT – 6.
El Salvador Electricity: 115 volts AC, 60Hz.
Head of State of El Salvador: President Carlos Mauricio Funes since 2009.
The recent history of El Salvador: Funes, a former CNN journalist and television presenter, scored a historic victory in elections in March 2009 when he became the first president of El Salvador, left to head the Front Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN). Two months before the party had won a large number of seats in the National Assembly, but not by an absolute majority. He inherited a country at peace, but politically polarized and growing internal problems, including rising unemployment and organized crime.
Pre Fixed Telephone El Salvador: Country code: 503.
Mobile Phone El Salvador: There are agreements between the international mobile phone companies. Coverage is variable.
Internet in El Salvador: Internet access is available in San Salvador and the main tourist destinations.
The media in El Salvador: The freedom of press is guaranteed by the Constitution of the
Salvador. Most radio and television stations are privately run. There are about 70 radio stations in the capital. The cable TV is available in much of the country and has a wide range of international channels.
Mail to El Salvador: Airmail to Europe takes up to two weeks. The main branch of email is in the Government Center.
Office hours from El Salvador: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. -16:00 pm.
Diaries of El Salvador: • Among the newspapers published in San Salvador El Diario de Hoy, El Mundo and La Prensa Gráfica. • Several local newspapers.
Radio in El Salvador: El Salvador • Radio is state owned. • YSKL Radio, FM Globo and Radio Cadena 102.5 Women Central are commercial stations.
The following are public holidays in El Salvador:

January 1 New Year’s Day.
10 to 13 April Easter.
May 1 Labour Day.
August 3 Fiesta de San Salvador.
August 6 Patron
September 15 Independence Day.
October 12 Columbus Day.
November 2 All Souls’ Day.
24 to 25 December: Christmas.
December 31 New Year.
Useful Contact Information in El Salvador:
Salvadoran Tourism Corporation (CORSATUR) (Tourism of El Salvador) Carbonel, Building 1, Colonia Roma, Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo Pasaje Carbonel and San Salvador, El Salvador Tel: 2243 7835 ext. 165 or 166. Website: www.elsalvadorturismo.gob.sv Promotes El Salvador and abroad.
Salvadoran Institute of Tourism (ISTU) (Salvadoran Institute of Tourism) Calle Rubén Darío 619, San Salvador, El Salvador Tel: 2222 8000 ext. 131 or 151. Website: www.istu.gob.sv deals with tourism in El Salvador.
Embassy of El Salvador in the United Kingdom 8 Dorset Square, London NW1 6PU, United Kingdom Tel: (020) 7224 9800. E-mail: elsalvador.embassy @ gmail.com Hours: Monday to Friday 1000-1600.
Embassy of El Salvador in the U.S. 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20036, USA Tel: (202) 265 9671 / 2. Website: www.elsalvador.org also provides tourist information.